
Qur‘ān, the word of Allah (Lord-The Almighty), anticipated some 1400 years ago that a moving object will walk and communicate to humans on its own, called as 'Dāb-bah min al-‘Arḍ’. It further discloses that this will be a moving creature originating from earth and it will appear close to the occurrence of the Day of Judgment. We hypothesized that this unique prophesy of the Quran; 'Daab-bah min al-‘Arḍ’, in the light of current technology advancements has started to emerge. We analyzed that the invention of rotatory wheel which created the motion by non-living objects, dates back to 3500 B.C., being one of the first rotatory motions achieved. Presently this invention has been transformed computationally to robots, preprogrammed to move and talk. The evidences have been reported in scientific and scholarly literature which is pointing towards support of the Qur‘ānic foretold in future, not far. We conclude that this Qur‘ānic foretold is may be about the future robot to come, that will be independent to walk and communicate as per its own drive and this shall indicate the culminating point of the world.

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