
Here we study the authorship of research articles published by Spanish journals of Library and Information Science from 1992 through 1993. To do so, we analyse certain production indices (number of documents and number of citations, indicators of presence: presence of men/women, presence of geographic areas, presence of professions, presence of types of institution and analysis of citations: presence of document types, language, geographic areas and years of greatest impact), indicators of collaboration (collaborative authorship and productivity of authors) and quality indices (most cited journals). The following are some of the conclusions drawn from the results of the study: (1) the most productive journals are the Boletin de la ANABAD , Educacion y Biblioteca , and Revista General de Informacion y Documentacion ; (2) as authors of articles, men predominate over women; (3) the Regional Communities with the greatest production in the scientific literature are Andalusia, Castile and Leon, Murcia and Galicia; (4) the most productive professionals are LIS university professsors, librarians, and documentalists; (5) the sources most frequently used are monographs and journal articles; (6) the foreign languages with the greatest impact are English, French and Italian; (7) scientific collaboration is not the norm, and (8) there is a striking lack of normalisation in periodical publications in almost all senses (citation norms, the way authors´ names are presented, the information offered about authors, etc.).

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