본 연구는 quercetin의 급여가 닭고기 다리육의 지방산패 억제 효과에 미치는 영향을 구명하고자 실시하였다. 1일령 Ross 320마리 육계 병아리를 8처리군으로 나누어 대조군(T1), 항생제 처리군(T2), 비타민 E 20 ppm 처리군(T3), 비타민 E 200 ppm 처리군(T4), quercetin 20 ppm(T5), quercetin 200 ppm(T6), methoxylated quercetin 20ppm(T7), methoxylated quercetin 200 ppm(T8) 처리구로 나누어 35일간 급여하였다. 급여 후 36일째 도계하여 다리육만 분리하였고, 0, 3, 7일 냉장 저장 기간 동안의 단백질 변패도(VBN), 지방산패도(TBARS), 지방산 조성 변화, 미생물학적 특성을 조사하였다. 저장 3일에는 대조군보다 항생제처리군(T2), 비타민 E처리군(T3, T4)와 quercetin 20 ppm 처리군(T5)에서 유의적인 감소를 나타내어 quercetin 20 ppm의 높은 단백질 산패 억제 효과를 보였다(P<0.05). 도계 직후 다리살의 지방산패도는 대조군보다 비타민 E 200 IU 급여한 T4에서 가장 낮은 값을 나타내었으며, 이 값은 항생제 처리구인 T2, quercetin 200 ppm 첨가구인 T5와 유의적인 차이를 나타내지 않아, 비타민 E 200 IU와 유사한 항산화력을 나타냄을 보여주었다(p<0.05). 그러나 저장 7일에 quercetin 20 ppm 처리군(T5)과 200 ppm 처리군(T6)은 항생제 처리군보다도 낮은 총 균수를 나타내어 높은 항균력을 나타내었다(P<0.05). 대장균군은 도계 직후부터 냉장 저장 7일까지 quercetin 처리에 의한 유의적인 감소 효과는 없었다. This study was carried out to determine the effect of dietary supplementation of quercetin and methoxylated quercetin extracted from onions on oxidation of chicken thigh during cold storage. For 35 days, 1-day-old 320 broiler chicks (Ross) were divided into 8 groups and supplemented the diet; basal diet only (T1), T1 with antibiotics (T2), vitamin E 20 IU (T3), vitamin E 200 IU (T4), quercetin 20 ppm (T5), quercetin 200 ppm (T6), methoxylated quercetin 20 ppm (T7), methoxylated quercetin 200 ppm (T8). After slaughtering the broilers, thigh meats were collected and analyzed the oxidation stability during storage at <TEX>$4^{\circ}C$</TEX> for 7 days. Volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) was ranged from 10.98~15.37 mg% until day 3 and quercetin 20 ppm (T5) significantly reduced (p<0.05) the VBN value of thigh as much as antibiotics treatment group (T2). The supplementation of quercetin at a 200 ppm level significantly reduced 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substances value when compared with the control. Supplementation of 20 ppm quercetin also affected fatty acid composition of chicken thigh and resulted in increase of C18:1w9 and decrease of C18:2w6 on day 3. In microbes of chicken thigh during storage, supplementation of 20 ppm quercetin significantly reduced total microbes compare to control on day 7 (p<0.05). There was no effect on the number of coliforms in thigh with quercetin diet. From these results, the dietary supplementation of 20 ppm of quercetin may have effects on enhancing oxidation stability.
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