
We analytically study the quasinormal modes of a scalar perturbation around a rotating BTZ-like black hole in the Einstein-bumblebee gravity. We observe that the Lorentz symmetry breaking parameter imprints only in the imaginary parts of the quasinormal frequencies for the right-moving and left-moving modes. The perturbational field decays more rapidly for the negative Lorentz symmetry breaking parameter, but more slowly for the positive one. The forms of the real parts are the same as those in the usual BTZ black holes. Moreover, we also discuss the AdS/CFT correspondence from the quasinormal modes and find that the Lorentz symmetry breaking parameter enhances the left and right conformal weights hL and hR of the operators dual to the scalar field in the boundary. These results could be helpful to understand the AdS/CFT correspondence and the Einstein-bumblebee gravity with the Lorentz symmetry violation.

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