
The binary and ternary products from reactions of 238U beams with targets of 16O, 27Al, 48Ca, 45Sc, 48Ti, 58Fe, 64Ni and 89Y have been recorded at 6.0 MeV/ u bombarding energy with four position-sensitive avalanche detectors, operated in coincidence. A few runs at 5.4 MeV/ u have also been performed. Accurate triple-differential cross sections, d 3σ dA dθ c.m. dTKE , are obtained for the binary events within the full range of mass A and total kinetic energy TKE, and within almost the full range of center-of-mass angle θ c.m.. Similar cross sections are obtained with somewhat less accuracy for triple events stemming from the sequential fission of uranium-like products. The distributions are discussed in terms of quasielastic and strongly damped scattering, where the products have partially relaxed energies and negligible average drift in mass, as opposed to capture where the products emerge with fully relaxed energies after a more or less pronounced mass drift towards symmetry. Apart from the reaction with 16O, all the capture product distributions are dominated by the non-equilibrium quasi-fission (or fast fission) process. The central feature of this reaction mechanism is the evolution of the reaction complex towards mass symmetry. With the 27Al target the evolution towards symmetry is almost complete, whereas the heavier targets show very broad mass distributions with clear evidence of dissociation taking place before symmetry is reached. At the same time, the cross section for quasi-fission diminishes as the target Z-value increases. With the 89Y target the strongly damped scattering component dominates completely. The capture cross sections are discussed in terms of the extra-push concept, and the mass and angular distributions in quasi-fission are analyzed in terms of interaction time and mass rearrangement as functions of target Z-value and excess kinetic energy in the entrance channel.

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