
AbstractA new solution technique has been developed to calculate the frequency shifts arising from mechanical stresses in the case of quartz resonators. This solution technique utilizes finite element analysis as an initial step to calculate mechanical stress distributions in quartz resonators. Output from the finite element solution is used in a recently developed program to calculate resonator frequency shifts as the final step. Frequency shifts are calculated via numerical integration of the perturbation integral derived by Tiersten.36 The solution technique is general in that any combination of mount and resonator geometries may be modelled. Any crystallographic orientation may be chosen and any load or combination of loads may be applied to the resonator. The frequency perturbation calculation includes movement of the mode to any position in the general vicinity of the resonator centre. Experimental results for AT‐ and SC‐cut quartz resonators subjected to diametric forces and inertial loading verify the accuracy of frequency shifts calculated using the new solution technique.

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