
Objectives To explain the different approaches for interpreting acid-base disorders; to develop the Stewart model which offers some advantages for the pathophysiological understanding and the clinical interpretation of acid-base imbalances. Data source Record of french and english references from Medline ® data base. The keywords were: acid-base balance, hyperchloremic acidosis, metabolic acidosis, strong ion difference, strong ion gap. Data extraction Data were selected including prospective and retrospective studies, reviews, and case reports. Data synthesis Acid-base disorders are commonly analysed by using the traditionnal Henderson-Hasselbalch approach which attributes the variations in plasma pH to the modifications in plasma bicarbonates or PaCO 2. However, this approach seems to be inadequate because bicarbonates and PaCO 2 are completely dependent. Moreover, it does not consider the role of weak acids such as albuminate, in the determination of plasma pH value. According to the Stewart concept, plasma pH results from the degree of plasma water dissociation which is determined by 3 independent variables: 1) strong ion difference (SID) which is the difference between all the strong plasma cations and anions; 2) quantity of plasma weak acids; 3) PaCO 2. Thus, metabolic acid-base disorders are always induced by a variation in SID (decreased in acidosis) or in weak acids (increased in acidosis), whereas respiratory disorders remains the consequence of a change in PaCO 2. These pathophysiological considerations are important to analyse complex acid-base imbalances in critically ill patients. For exemple, due to a decrease in weak acids, hypoalbuminemia increases SID which may counter-balance a decrease in pH and an elevated anion gap. Thus if using only traditionnal tools, hypoalbuminemia may mask a metabolic acidosis, because of a normal pH and a normal anion gap. In this case, the association of metabolic acidosis and alkalosis is only expressed by respectively a decreased SID and a decreased weak acids concentration. This concept allows to establish the relationship between hyperchloremic acidosis and infusion of solutes which contain large concentration of chloride such as NaCl 0.9%. Finally, the Stewart concept permits to understand that sodium bicarbonate as well as sodium lactate induces plasma alkalinization. In fact, sodium remains in plasma, whereas anion (lactate or bicarbonate) are metabolized leading to an increase in plasma SID. Conclusion Due to its simplicity, the traditionnal Henderson-Hasselbalch approach of acid-base disorders, remains commonly used. However, it gives an inadequate pathophysiological analysis which may conduct to a false diagnosis, especially with complex acid-base imbalances. Despite its apparent complexity, the Stewart concept permits to understand precisely the mechanisms of acid-base disorders. It has to become the most appropriate approach to analyse complex acid-base abnormalities.

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