
The French National Authority for Health (HAS) recently issued guidelines for patient blood management (PBM) in surgical procedures. These recommendations are based on three usual pillars of PBM: optimizing red cell mass, minimizing blood loss and optimizing anemia tolerance. In the preoperative period, these guidelines recommend detecting anemia and iron deficiency and taking corrective measures well in advance of surgery, when possible, in case of surgery with moderate to high bleeding risk or known preoperative anemia. In the intraoperative period, the use of tranexamic acid and some surgical techniques are recommended to limit bleeding in case of high bleeding risk or in case of hemorrhage, and the use of cell salvage is recommended in some surgeries with a major risk of transfusion. In the postoperative period, the limitation of blood samples is recommended but the monitoring of postoperative anemia must be carried out and may lead to corrective measures (intravenous iron in particular) or more precise diagnostic assessment of this anemia. A “restrictive” transfusion threshold considering comorbidities and, most importantly, the tolerance of the patient is recommended postoperatively. The implementation of a strategy and a program for patient blood management is recommended throughout the perioperative period in healthcare establishments in order to reduce blood transfusion and length of stay. This article presents an English translation of the HAS recommendations and a summary of the rationale underlying these recommendations.

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