
The traditional basis of description of many-particle systems in terms of Green functions is here generalized to the case when the system is nonextensive, by incorporating the Tsallis form of the density matrix indexed by a nonextensive parameter q. This is accomplished by expressing the many-particle q Green function in terms of a parametric contour integral over a kernel multiplied by the usual grand canonical Green function which now depends on this parameter. We study one- and two-particle Green functions in detail. From the one-particle Green function, we deduce some experimentally observable quantities such as the one-particle momentum distribution function and the one-particle energy distribution function. Special forms of the two-particle Green functions are related to physical dynamical structure factors, some of which are studied here. We deduce different forms of sum rules in the q formalism. A diagrammatic representation of the q Green functions similar to the traditional ones follows because the equations of motion for both of these are formally similar. Approximation schemes for one-particle q Green functions such as Hartree and Hartree-Fock schemes are given as examples. This extension enables us to predict possible experimental tests for the validity of this framework by expressing some observable quantities in terms of the q averages.

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