Application of alpha-oscillator theory to quantum electrodynamics (QED) solves the mystery (as Feynman said) of the double-slit phenomenon involved in the foundation of quantum mechanics (QM). Even if with the same initial condition given, different spots on the screen can be predicted deterministically with no introduction of hidden variables. The general proof has already been published in Ref. [3] and "what is new in this paper" is the concrete numerical algorithm of the extended normal mode technique in section "Concrete numerical algorithm of the extended normal mode technique" and concrete trajectory of one electron in section "Current of one electron". The interference pattern is similar to, but cannot be reproduced quantitatively by, that of QM wave function, contrary to many-years-anticipation: a new prediction, awaiting experimental test over and above the Bohr-Einstein gedanken experiment. QED paves the way for the new generic quantitative theory of electronic structure and dynamics over and above QM. Alpha-oscillator theory presents new aspects of QED from basic physics to material sciences with mathematical rigor. Quantum simulation of nanosized materials is a realization of the new-generation quantum theory. A new era of quantum simulation of nanosized materials is realized. Correct theory of the double-slit phenomenon is QED. Correct quantum theoretical view of the double-slit phenomenon is relativistic quantum field theory (QFT).
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