
Part I. Introduction: 1. Basic concepts 2. The mapping to classical statistical mechanics: single site models 3. Overview Part II. Quantum Ising and Rotor Models: 4. The Ising chain in a transverse field 5. Quantum rotor models: large N limit 6. The d = 1, 0 (N greater than or equal to 3) rotor models 7. The d = 2 (N greater than or equal to 3) rotor models 8. Physics close to and above the upper-critical dimension 9. Transport in d = 2 Part III. Other Models: 10. Boston Hubbard model 11. Dilute Fermi and Bose gases 12. Phase transitions of Fermi liquids 13. Heisenberg spins: ferromagnets and antiferromagnets 14. Spin chains: bosonization 15. Magnetic ordering transitions of disordered systems 16. Quantum spin glasses.

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