
We construct quantum hyperbolic invariants (QHI) for triples ( W, L, ρ), where W is a compact closed oriented 3-manifold, ρ is a flat principal bundle over W with structural group PSL(2, C) , and L is a non-empty link in W. These invariants are based on the Faddeev–Kashaev's quantum dilogarithms, interpreted as matrix-valued functions of suitably decorated hyperbolic ideal tetrahedra. They are explicitly computed as state sums over the decorated hyperbolic ideal tetrahedra of the idealization of any fixed D - triangulation; the D -triangulations are simplicial 1-cocycle descriptions of ( W, ρ) in which the link is realized as a Hamiltonian subcomplex. We also discuss how to set the Volume Conjecture for the coloured Jones invariants J N ( L) of hyperbolic knots L in S 3 in the framework of the general QHI theory.

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