
We study proximity-induced spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in bilayer graphene/few-layer WSe2 heterostructure devices. Contact mode atomic force microscopy (AFM) cleaning yields ultraclean interfaces and high-mobility devices. In a perpendicular magnetic field, we measure the quantum Hall effect to determine the Landau level structure in the presence of out-of-plane Ising and in-plane Rashba SOC. A distinct Landau level crossing pattern emerges when tuning the charge density and displacement field independently with dual gates, originating from a layer-selective SOC proximity effect. Analyzing the Landau level crossings and measured inter-Landau level energy gaps yields the proximity-induced SOC energy scale. The Ising SOC is ∼2.2 meV, 100 times higher than the intrinsic SOC in graphene, whereas its sign is consistent with theories predicting a dependence of SOC on interlayer twist angle. The Rashba SOC is ∼15 meV. Finally, we infer the magnetic field dependence of the inter-Landau level Coulomb interactions. These ultraclean bilayer graphene/WSe2 heterostructures provide a high mobility system with the potential to realize novel topological electronic states and manipulate spins in nanostructures.

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