
We review recent progress in the nonequilibrium dynamics of thermally isolated many-body quantum systems, evolving with an ensemble of Hamiltonians as opposed to deterministic evolution with a single time-dependent Hamiltonian. Such questions arise in (i) quantum dynamics of disordered systems, where different realizations of disorder give rise to an ensemble of real-time quantum evolutions, (ii) quantum evolution with noisy Hamiltonians (temporal disorder), which leads to stochastic Schrödinger equations, and, (iii) in the broader context of quantum optimal control, where one needs to analyze an ensemble of permissible protocols in order to find one that optimizes a given figure of merit. The theme of ensemble quantum evolution appears in several emerging new directions in noneqilibrium quantum dynamics of thermally isolated many-body systems, which include many-body localization, noise-driven systems, and shortcuts to adiabaticity.

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