
AbstractThe adiabatic mechanism of the reaction of trichloroethylene with O(3P), exploring the various O‐atom addition and H‐atom abstraction channels, is theoretically studied at the MP2/6‐311++G(2d, 2p), MP2/aug‐cc‐pVTZ, CCSD/6‐31G(d), G3, and CBS‐QB3 levels of theory. From a kinetic point of view, the addition to the less substituted carbon atom of the double bond is more favorable than the addition to the more substituted carbon. Such O‐atom addition reactions are favored over the one possible hydrogen‐abstraction reaction. Calculations of the present study showed that five products are obtained: HCCl + C(O)Cl2 (P1), Cl + ClC(O)CHCl (P2), H + ClC(O)CCl2 (P3), Cl + HC(O)CCl2 (P4), and CH(O)Cl + CCl2 (P5). The products P2 and P4 are found to be the most favored ones. The kinetic calculations of rate constant in the range of 285–395 K are performed at the CBS‐QB3 level of theory and are in conformity with the experimental outcomes.

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