
Tandem mass spectrometry is widely used to assign and distinguish chemical structures in proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, and many other areas. Spectral annotation remains a major bottleneck. Our ”Quantum Chemical Fragment Precursor Tests” (QC-FPT) approach brings the accuracy and generality of modern quantum chemistry to combinatorial-search-based computer-aided spectral annotation. QC-FPT takes as input the dominant fragment peaks from a particular experiment, and one or more chemically reasonable hypotheses for the precursor ion's three-dimensional structure. The algorithm automatically generates possible precursor ion fragmentations matching the target experimental peaks, uses quantum chemistry calculations (geometry optimization with gas-phase semiempirical or density functional theory calculations) to predict each neutral or charged fragment's structure and energy, and reports the thermodynamically feasible predicted fragment assignments. Applications demonstrate that QC-FPT recovers known spectral annotations, can handle multiple ionization and fragmentation methods and adducts, and can capture some fragment rearrangements. We apply QC-FPT to assign previously unassigned peaks in an experimental LC-ESI-MS2 spectrum of dimethylarsinothioyl glutathione (Yehiayan et al., Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2014, 27, 754–764), and to a hypothetical experiment distinguishing two isomeric candidates for an ”unknown” pesticide's experimental LC-ESI-MS2 spectrum. Our results suggest QC-FPT is a practical tool to sharpen and refine the chemical intuition of experimentalists engaged in the laborious process of annotating tandem mass spectra.

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