
Acyclovir and 18 of its esters have been investigated by systematic measurement of their reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic retention using differing mobile phase compositions. The methanol content of the mobile phase was varied between 5 and 95%. By linear least squares regression of the logarithmic retention factor (log k′) against methanol concentration, the slope ( S)_and intercept (log k′ 0) of the so obtained straight lines were calculated for each compound. The chromatographic hydrophobicity index ( φ 0,MeOH) calculated from the S and log k′ 0 values ( φ 0,MeOH = −log k′ 0/ S) showed significant correlation ( r > 0.96) to the calculated octanol-water partition coefficients (cLog P). The albumin-binding properties of the compounds were characterised by the log k′ HSA values obtained by using an immobilised human serum albumin (HSA) HPLC column and 1% propan-2-ol 99% aqueous 10 m M phosphate buffer pH 7.0 as mobile phase. The measured albumin-binding parameters showed significant correlations to the cLog P, φ 0MeOH, S and log k′ 0 values, establishing the importance of hydrophobic properties to the interaction of the acyclovir derivatives with HSA.

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