
Research of “Quantitative Model of Optimization On Non-Oil Based Fuel Alternative Energy” is using goal programing method approach which will generate comprehensive mathematic models to determine policy on alternative energy field beside oil based fuel. The result of the research is sensitivity analytic model and optimization model of nonoil based fuel alternative energy. Developed model is goal programing to optimise alternative energy beside oil based fuel. Model implementation conducted on alternative energy are coal, nature gas and hydro. And the calculation result using Expert Choice Version 9.0 is obtained that coal as alternative energy has relative priority value of 36,8% at overall consistency index 0,04 or 4%. Optimization implemented model conducted at alternative oil based energy plan using calculation of Quantitative System 3.0 program conclude that coal = 9.809274, gas = 0.8409028, hydro = 0. Minimal objective = 18.69225

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