
The Nkout deposit is part of an emerging iron ore province in West and Central Africa. The deposit is an oxide facies iron formation comprising fresh magnetite banded iron formation (BIF) at depth, which weathers and oxidises towards the surface forming caps of high grade hematite/martite–goethite ores. The mineral species, compositions, mineral associations, and liberation have been studied using automated mineralogy (QEMSCAN®) combined with whole rock geochemistry, mineral chemistry and mineralogical techniques. Drill cores (saprolitic, lateritic, BIF), grab and outcrop samples were studied and divided into 4 main groups based on whole rock Fe content and a weathering index. The groups are; enriched material (EM), weathered magnetite itabirite (WMI), transitional magnetite itabirite (TMI) and magnetite itabirite (MI). The main iron minerals are the iron oxides (magnetite, hematite, and goethite) and chamosite. The iron oxides are closely associated in the high grade cap and liberation of them individually is poor. Liberation increases when they are grouped together as iron oxides. Chamosite significantly lowers the liberation of the iron oxides. Automated mineralogy by QEMSCAN® (or other similar techniques) can distinguish between Fe oxides if set up and calibrated carefully using the backscattered electron signal. Electron beam techniques have the advantage over other quantitative mineralogy techniques of being able to determine mineral chemical variants of ore and gangue minerals, although reflected light optical microscopy remains the most sensitive method of distinguishing closely related iron oxide minerals. Both optical and electron beam automated mineralogical methods have distinct advantages over quantitative XRD in that they can determine mineral associations, liberation, amorphous phases and trace phases.

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