
Search of life elsewhere in the galaxy is very fascinating area for planetary scientists and astrobiologists. Earth Similarity Index (ESI) is defined as geometrical mean of four physical parameters (Such as radius, density, escape velocity and surface temperature), which is ranging from 1 (identical to Earth) to 0 (dissimilar to Earth). In this work, ESI is re-defined as six parameters by introducing the two new physical parameters like revolution and surface gravity and is called as New Earth Similarity Index (NESI). The main focus of this paper is to search Tardigrade water-life on exoplanets by varying the temperature parameter in NESI, which is called as Tardigrade Similarity Index (TSI), which is ranging from 1 (Potentially Tardigrade can survive) to 0 (Tardigrade Cannot survive). The NESI and TSI data is cataloged and analyzed for almost 3370 confirmed exoplanets and the results are discussed

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