
ABSTRACT Cocaine HCl is a substance which creates psychological and physical dependence. Usually it is available on the market being diluted by other substances, like local anesthetics, analeptics and CNS stimulating agents and inert substance. In this study, HPLC and GLC methods were applied for qualitative and quantitative determinations of synthetic binary mixtures. In the HPLC determination, μ Bondopack C18 10 μm. column system, a mobile phase consisting of methanol-water-phosphoric acid-1% hexylamine (75:175:250:3,5) and U.V. detection by photodiodearray (196–600 nm) were used. The linear concentration areas were found in a range of 2.5–25 μg/mL. The R.S.D percentages for cocaine HCl, procaine HCl, lidocaine HCl and caffeine were found as 0.922, 0.568, 1.18 and 1.04, respectively. In the GLC determination, two different column systems, a 2% OV-17-Gas Chrom W-HP 100–200 mesh filled column and a 0.25 SE-52 fused silica capillary column, were used. Nitrogen was used in a filled column and helium was used in a capillary column. Mobile phase flow rates were set as 30 mL/min and a flame ionization detector was used with both column systems. The linear concentration intervals were found in a range of 2–25 μL/mL in both methods. The R.S.D. for cocaine HCl, procaine HCl, lidocaine HCl, and caffeine were found to be 0.907, 0.948, 0.770, 0.901 in the filled column. For cocaine HCl, procaine HCl and caffeine R.S.D.'s of 0.774, 0.809, 0.814 were found, when a capillary column was used. In quantitative determinations, antipyrine was chosen as internal standard in the HPLC and GLC methods.

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