
Three groups of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes having spike fertility genes (SFG) were used in field trials: (1) Tetrastichon sessile spikelets (TSS), (2) Normal spikelets (NS), (3) Indeterminate rachilla spikelets (IRS). The capacity of conducting system of the peduncle and the ear sink capacity of the main stem have been measured. There was a highly significant positive correlation (r = 0.899 and higher) between peduncle diameter and parameters quantifying peduncle vascular system. Compared with the control cultivar Hana, the TSS and NSS genotypes had higher both the number of vascular bundles, phloem and bundle cross section area and kernel number per ear. However, the highest kernel number per ear was found in the IRS genotypes although their bundle and phloem area was only equal or even lower then that of the variety Hana. Further studies are needed in developmental anatomy of spikes and stems to elucidate also differences in the relationships between the conducting capacity and kernel number per spikes in the TSS, NS and IRS genotypes.

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