
The government has implemented subsidy policies for minority preparatory students for a long time, but how well do preparatory students know about the subsidy policies? This study takes the 2022 undergraduate students from the College of Ethnic Preparatory Education in Ningxia University as the research sample, conducts a questionnaire survey, and uses gender, ethnicity, student origin, family economic income, and entrusted training institutions as independent variables. The quantitative analysis is conducted using the awareness of preparatory students in the funding system about national student loans, national scholarships, work-study positions, and living subsidies as dependent variables, The aim is to evaluate and analyze the awareness of preparatory students toward national funding policies. Through research, it was found that ethnic minority preparatory students in the Ningxia region have a relatively high awareness of funding policies. However, it was also found that there are issues with low awareness among students and insufficient publicity from schools during the implementation of the work-study policy. Improvement suggestions were proposed to provide a basis for the subsequent formulation and improvement of funding policy promotion work.

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