
Internet is a complex, diverse, distributed, apparent, multilingual, multimedia, independent and cooperative multidisciplinary platform. Today internet is flourishing in all sectors of our life. As Web applications are part of global economy, growing demand for Web-based applications enhanced the need to compare various Web quality frameworks popularly in use. Most of the work on Web application is making them more powerful and relatively less attention has been given to ensure their quality. Quality check is essential for both the user as well as developer satisfaction. The diverse nature of Web applications and very short timeto-market makes it difficult to measure these existing quality frameworks. Due to large number of reusable components Web applications make traditional measurement models less relevant. The field of evaluating quality of framework is not yet mature so, there is still lack of an engineering approach for building Web-based applications systems. Many frameworks have been proposed for quality checking of Web-based application but they lack in one way or other. Each framework is having its own significance. Present study deals with a comparative analysis of quality frameworks proposed by contemporary researchers. This is performed with an intention to identify the limitations and to categorize the Web quality characteristics. This study will provide a concrete background for development of new generic framework according to emerging trends and necessity. General Terms Web-based Application

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