
The home heating systems as well as the food industry require a high degree of water purification. In the aims of the increasing of the quality of technical and potable water the experiments on the determination of the rigidity of water have been carried out in the fourth districts of Kazan after the addition to the water samples of β-alanine and l-asparagine as the agents for the complex formation with calcium and magnesium salts. The obtained results showed that the chosen amino acids able to reduce the rigidity and increase the quality of waters in 1.10-1.22 time. The calculated heats of combustion and formation of complexes of calcium and magnesium with alanine and asparagine confirm the conducted experimental results on their stability. Such experimental results prompted us to calculate the heat of combustion (DсH°) and formation (DfH°) of complexes of calcium and magnesium with the mentioned above amino acids [Met(amino acid)2, DсH°, DfH° (kJ mol-1± 0.5 % , respectively), number of valence electrons (N-g)] in according to the scheme of thermochemical research. It has been suggested to introduce the above mentioned amino acids or synthesized on their base little peptides into sorption-filters at the water preparation process.Forcitation:Ovchinnikov V.V., Kulakov A.A. Quality increasing of technical and potable water due to complexation between amino acids and ca and mg salts. Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Khim. Khim. Tekhnol. 2018. V. 61. N 6. P. 109-112

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