
Relevance. The problems of remote non-destructive determination and control of quality indicators of a wide variety of material environments, in particular, household and food products, are relevant practically for all areas of the national economy, science and technology. The relevance of scientific research in the field of dielectrometry in the microwave range is also due to the needs for the development of high technologies in medicine and health care, the national economy in real time. The aim of this work is to develop the method of microwave waveguide dielectrometry based on the application of the theory of multilayer plane-layered dielectric structures to the determination of the complex dielectric constant of a substance from the values ​​of the standing wave ratio of the samples under study in a waveguide at two close frequencies. Materials and methods. The research is based on well-studied phenomena of interference of electromagnetic waves on multilayer plane-layered dielectric structures. By using a mathematical model of the phenomenon of interference of a plane electromagnetic wave on a three-layer dielectric structure, the ambiguity of determining the complex dielectric constant of a substance by the classical method of waveguide dielectrometry in the microwave range by measuring the standing wave ratio of a dielectric sample placed in the waveguide and the phase angle of the reflection coefficient is overcome. Results. A method is proposed for ensuring the unambiguity of determining the complex dielectric constant of a substance in waveguide dielectrometry on the basis of the theory of multilayer plane-layered dielectric structures. The method leads to an explicit expression for the complex reflection coefficient of an electromagnetic wave from the investigated dielectric sample placed in a rectangular waveguide. The complex dielectric constant of a substance is determined from the values ​​of the standing wave ratio at two close frequencies in the microwave range. By the found value of the dielectric constant and the tangent of the dielectric loss angle, the quality parameter of the substance is determined by comparing and optimizing two objective functions, including the arrays of reference values ​​of the complex dielectric constant obtained in the course of measurements and compiled in advance, and by comparing and optimizing the third objective function, previous functions. As an example of an indicator of the quality of a substance, the specific heat of combustion of coal was determined. Conclusions. The proposed method for determining the complex dielectric constant and quality indicators of dielectric materials in the microwave frequency range has been tested in the case of various types of coals, its efficiency has been proven and the reliability of the results has been proven. The method and the devices and software implemented on its basis are promising for non-destructive express control of dielectric materials and media.

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