Background: Mukkadi Bidalaka Yoga is a herbomineral compound which is claimed to be effective in Madhumehajanya Timira (Diabetic Retinopathy). In present study, it has been used for Bidalaka Karma.Objective: Present study was designed to watch out on herbal and mineral drugs used in the preparation of Mukkadi Bidalaka Yoga to assess the quality, purity, safety and efficacy of the drug by pharmacognostical (microscopic) study, physicochemical study and chromatographic evaluation. Methods: Pharmacognostical study i.e. morphological characters, organoleptic characters and powder microscopy was done for identification and authentication of all the raw drugs. Physicochemical study and HPTLC of final product were done. Results: Pharmacognostical characters of Mukkadi Bidalaka observed under the microscope were epicarp cells and lignified stone cell of Haritaki, Trichome and lignified scleroids of Bibhitaki, Scleroids, silica deposition of Amalaki, Parenchyma cells and starch grain of Haridra, Prismatic crystal, pitted vessels and fibers of Daruharidra, Cork cells of Nimba, Brown content of Sariva, Trichome, oil globule of Usheera, Stone cells, scleroids, prismatic crystal and fibers of Lodhra, Cork cells , fibers and stone cells of Vata, Parenchyma cells and oil globule of Durva, Border pitted vessels, lignified stone cells oil globule and lignified fiber passing through medullary rays of Chandana, Particles of Girika. Border pitted vessels, lignified fiber, lignified fiber passing through medullary rays of Raktachandana. Pharmaceutical evaluation of Mukkadi Bidalaka Yoga showed results loss on drying at 110C 5.85 % w/w, pH value 6.0, water soluble extract 21.60% w/w, methanol soluble extract 14.28% w/w, Ash value 3% w/w acid insoluble ash 0.39% w/w. High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography result shows 9 spots at 254 nm and 7 spots at 366 nm. Conclusion: Identification and authentication of herbal drug used in the preparation of Mukkadi Bidalaka Yoga was done. Pharmacognostical, physicochemical and HPTLC evaluation of prepared drug has been carried out.
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