
The Purposes of this study are to explore the existing quality status and analyze the gaps between existing practices and formal quality assurance and accreditation (QAA) systems, and to assess and tap the institutional learning and challenges of introducing QAA mechanism in Bangladesh. However, the intention is to explore the preparedness to introduce formal QAA mechanism and their implications on the institutional performance in the context of Bangladeshi Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The Mix method approach is applied here, where the primary data are collected from the university faculty members in order to determine the perceptions towards quality improvement initiatives in HEIs. The study revealed that HEIs in Bangladesh face a number of challenges in terms of formal quality assurance practices. The key variables brought from formal QA framework fell into six quality areas: leadership and institutional governance, curriculum, facilities, student, staff, and quality assurance process development. The study suggests that the main challenge lies with quality assurance process development to introduce formal QAA in HEIs. Existing quality status from this study shows that quality areas of student, curriculum and facilities remain above the average level of standard, but the quality areas of leadership and institutional governance, staff and quality assurance process development are below the average conditions. The findings would assist academicians to enhance quality assurance framework at national level as well as institutional level. However, the challenges the individual higher education institution would encounter to implement the formal QAA mechanism are addressed at length. Article visualizations:

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