
Creating complete feed for cattle especially during the period of indoor housing is an important task of feed production. This determines the increase in milk yield and live weight, and the profitability of all production. Biotechnology of obtaining a combined feed additive in the form of a dry protein and carbohydrate composite for animals from plant raw materials and secondary raw materials allows us to solve this problem. At the same time, the quality and safety of the composite is an extremely relevant topic. In the course of research the influence of technological factors control, based on the principles of HACCP, on the quality and safety indicators of the combined feed additive has been established. The resulting product according to organoleptic indicators is a loose mixture of no more than 5–8 mm in size, without solid inclusions, foreign impurities and fumes; color is from gray to brown; smell is characteristic of the set of components included in the recipe, without musty, mold and other odors. Physical and chemical parameters are as follows: mass fraction of moisture no more than 14 %; mass fraction of sugars is at least 27–30 %; mass fraction of protein is 17,6–18,4 %, fiber content is 7,0–7,3 %. Safety indicators: total number of fungi (CFU/g) no more than 5×10[sup]4[/sup] ; total microbial number (CFU/g) no more than 5×10[sup]5[/sup] . The presence of Salmonella in 25 g is not allowed; the presence of pathogenic Escherichia in 1,0 g is not allowed. The remaining safety indicators, due to their invariability in the process of technological operations, must comply with the indicators provided for in the normative documents for raw materials. Five control critical points in the technology of proteincarbohydrate composite production that pose a threat to its quality and safety have been identified. It has been shown that the preliminary assessment and proposed corrective actions for managing hazards at all stages of the production process, which significantly affect the safety of products, can prevent the appearance of a danger of deviations from the parameters of the technological process at each stage of production.

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