
Aim. Study of the effect of new domestic lactulose-containing feed additives on the biological properties and amino acid composition of the protein in broiler chicken meat. Material and Methods. During the research, classical and modern methods were used: zootechnical, biochemical, etc. The methodological basis was the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists who studied the features of the effect of feed additives on the body of poultry and its productive qualities. The mass fraction of protein was determined by the Kjeldahl method according to GOST 25011-2015, the mass fraction of fat – by the Extractive-weight method according to GOST 23042-2015, the mass fraction of moisture – by the thermogravimetric method using the ELVIZ moisture analyzer, the mass fraction of total ash – GOST 31727-2012 (ISO 936:1998), amino acid composition of pectoral muscles – by capillary electrophoresis (Kapel 105M). Results. As a result of the experiment, it was found that the use of additives No. 1 and No. 2 helps to stabilize the indices of digestibility of nutrients and, as a result, to improve the metabolic process in the body of the bird. It was found that the digestibility coefficient of dry matter in the experimental groups was by 0.91%, crude protein – by 1.68%, crude fat – by 0.79%, nitrogen-free extractable substances – by 1.33% higher than in the control group. Positive dynamics was also noted in the increase in the weight of the gutted carcass in the experimental groups by 5.47 and 4.46% in comparison with the same indicator in the control group. The use of lactulose-containing additives when growing broilers has led to an improvement in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the resulting product ("white" meat). An increase is observed in the value of the mass fraction of protein by 0.5 and 0.6%, respectively, in comparison with the mass fraction of protein in the meat of the control group. The studied feed additives balanced the ratio of essential amino acids to replaceable ones. During the experiment, it was found that in the white meat of the experimental groups, in comparison with the white meat of the control group of broiler chickens, there was an increase in the content of essential amino acids on average by 0.31 г/100 г (3.6%) и 0.41 г/100 г (4.7%), respectively. Conclusion. In terms of a set of indicators, the meat of broiler chickens grown with the use of new lactulose-containing additives No. 1 and No. 2 has higher indicators of meat quality compared to the control. New domestic prebiotic supplements based on lactulose No. 1 and No. 2, used in the experiment, are not only a natural alternative to antibiotics, hormones or other growth stimulants, but also a mechanism for a better approach to the formation of general beneficial physical and biochemical properties of meat of broiler chickens. Given this, these additives can be recommended for widespread implementation in poultry farming.

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