The results of the study of the natural sweetener effect from Stevia on the quality of two types of table semisweet fruit blended wine - from gooseberries and raspberries, gooseberries and black currants - in comparison with the classical recipe with sugar, are presented in the article. The recipes and the production technology of table blended fruit wine with Stevia extract as a sweetener were presented in the work. Stevia extract and sugar (control sample) were added after complete fermentation of sugars into dry wine material. The extract dose was 1.4 ml per 1 liter of wine material. Organoleptic and tasting evaluation of the finished product showed that wine with the addition of Stevia extract has good quality indicators, a pleasant taste without extraneous smacks. The sugar content was practically at zero point - 0.25 g / l in wine from gooseberries and raspberries, 0.28 g / l in wine from gooseberries and black currants. In the wine made by classical technology, the sugar content was 70.30 g / l and 71.10 g / l, respectively. The titrated acidity of the wine was within the requirements of the regulatory document and ranged from 9.0 to 10.9 g / dm3. The content of vitamin C and beta-carotene depended to a greater extent on the type of fruit and berry raw materials used. A higher content of ascorbic acid was noted in blended wine from gooseberries and black currants - at the level of 26.88–27.02 mg, beta-carotene - in wine from gooseberries and raspberries. The introduction of sugar or Stevia extract did not affect the values of these indicators much. According to the results of studies in the manufacture of blended fruit wines in order to reduce their calorie content and use as a functional product, the addition of Stevia extract is recommended
Вино готовили по классической технологии в лабораторных условиях
The recipes and the production technology of table blended fruit wine with Stevia extract as a sweetener were presented in the work
Organoleptic and tasting evaluation of the finished product showed that wine with the addition of Stevia extract has good quality indicators, a pleasant taste without extraneous smacks
Назарова Н.Е., Залетова Т.В., Зубова Е.В., Кулагина К.А. Качество Nazarova N.E., Zaletova T.V., Zubova E.V., Kulagina K.A. Quality and и биологическая ценность вина из ягод крыжовника, малины и biological value of wine from gooseberries, raspberries and black черной смородины с использованием растительного currants using vegetable sweetener. Vestnik VGUIT [Proceedings of сахарозаменителя // Вестник ВГУИТ. VSUET]. 2019. vol 81. no. 4. pp. 131–137. (in Russian)
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