
Down syndrome is characterized by a delay in the development of motor function. Games with interactive technology are shown as a new type of therapy that assists motor learning and postural control. Objective: To evaluate the variables of gross motor coordination, balance and postural reaction of children with Down syndrome during the performance of virtual games through the X-Box 360® console. Methodology: The study was approved by the Ethics Committee in Human Beings (795,905). Nine children with Down syndrome based on inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected. After signing the consent form Clarified, general data were collected from children such as anthropometry, vital data, among others. After this procedure the children were directed to a room and positioned within a rectangle demarcated to execute the games, being disregarded the actions when the child leaves the rectangle. The leaks and rapids games of X-Box 360® were selected, where children should play at the levels, basic, intermediate and advanced. After this procedure the variables gross motor coordination, balance and postural reaction were qualitatively analysed by the images captured from three cameras arranged in the place. Results: Parametric Student's T test (<0.05) and the Kruskal Walls test was used. When comparing the variables coordination, balance and postural reaction, there was significant difference between coordination and balance (t: 3.11, p: 0.04) and coordination and postural reaction (t3, 17, p: 0.04), identifying greater difficulty in gross motor coordination of children during the Xbox games. Regarding difficulty levels, there was no significant difference. Conclusion: We suggest that children with Down syndrome present difficulties of gross motor coordination when compared to the balance and postural reaction during the execution of virtual games by the independent X-box in the difficulty level of the games.

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