
[Editor's Note: Dr. James A. Egan, Springfield, calls attention to a typographical error in his letter, which was published inThe Journal, August 4. On page 374, line 17, for 1889 read 1899. Nine lines below the same error is repeated. —Ed.] Detroit, Aug. 4, 1906. To the Editor: —When I referred to the disturbed periods of my worthy brother Egan of Illinois, in my communication toThe Journal, published July 21, I did not anticipate in the least that your readers would be furnished with so complete a demonstration of the affliction so mildly suggested by me. I am truly sorry, not for myself, as I am immune, but for those of your readers who do not enjoy personalities and recriminations. In my letter I criticised the action of the Illinois State Board of Health in resigning from the American confederation from the standpoint of the reasons given

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