
Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are wireless networks with self-organised mobile nodes that are connected wirelessly without any base station. In MANETs, a mobile node can act as an end system as well as a router during packet transmission. For packet transmission, MANETs use varieties of routing protocols which are classified as pro-active, re-active and hybrid routing protocols. In this paper, two on-demand unicating routing protocols are considered namely Ad hoc Demand Distance vector (AODV) and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) in order to evaluate their performance based on Quality of Service (QoS). For MANETs. Both AODV and DSR routing protocols are implemented on the basis of on-demand gateway discovery algorithm where each node can communicate with each other through the entry and exit point of a network as and when required. Through simulation with increasing the node density using ns-2 network simulator, we perceive that the performance of AODV and DSR routing protocols are varying according to situation as directed to premier the performance level for both of these protocols. The results gives out in this paper decorate the significance in carefully assessing and executing both of these protocols for MANETs.

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