
Recent developments in the biophysical characterization of proteins have provided a means of directly measuring electrostatic fields by introducing a probe molecule to the system of interest and interpreting photon absorption in the context of the Stark effect. To fully account for this effect, the development of accurate atomistic models is of paramount importance. However, suitable computational protocols for evaluating Stark shifts in proteins are yet to be established. In this work, we present a comprehensive computational method to predict the change in absorption frequency of a probe functional group as a direct result of a perturbation in its surrounding electrostatic field created by a protein environment, i.e., the Stark shift. We apply the method to human aldose reductase, a key protein enzyme that catalyzes the reduction of monosaccharides. We develop a protocol based on a combination of molecular dynamics and moving-domain QM/MM methods, which achieves quantitative agreement with experiment. We outline the difficulties in predicting localized electrostatic field changes within a protein environment, and by extension the Stark shift, due to a protein site mutation. Furthermore, the combined use of Stark effect spectroscopy and computational modeling is used to predict the protonation state of ionizable residues in the vicinity of the electrostatic probe.

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