
Electrostatic fields at the interface of the Ras binding domain of the protein Ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator (RalGDS) with the structurally analogous GTPases Ras and Rap1A were measured with vibrational Stark effect (VSE) spectroscopy. Eleven residues on the surface of RalGDS that participate in this protein-protein interaction were systematically mutated to cysteine and subsequently converted to cyanocysteine in order to introduce a nitrile VSE probe in the form of the thiocyanate (SCN) functional group. The measured SCN absorption energy on the monomeric protein was compared with solvent-accessible surface area (SASA) calculations and solutions to the Poisson-Boltzmann equation using Boltzmann-weighted structural snapshots from molecular dynamics simulations. We found a weak negative correlation between SASA and measured absorption energy, indicating that water exposure of protein surface amino acids can be estimated from experimental measurement of the magnitude of the thiocyanate absorption energy. We found no correlation between calculated field and measured absorption energy. These results highlight the complex structural and electrostatic nature of the protein-water interface. The SCN-labeled RalGDS was incubated with either wild-type Ras or wild-type Rap1A, and the formation of the docked complex was confirmed by measurement of the dissociation constant of the interaction. The change in absorption energy of the thiocyanate functional group due to complex formation was related to the change in electrostatic field experienced by the nitrile functional group when the protein-protein interface forms. At some locations, the nitrile experiences the same shift in field when bound to Ras and Rap1A, but at others, the change in field is dramatically different. These differences identify residues on the surface of RalGDS that direct the specificity of RalGDS binding to its in vivo binding partner, Rap1A, through an electrostatic mechanism.

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