
 This study tries to investigate the use of qirā`at shādhah in Shia interpretation. The discussion about qirā`at shādhah in the study of al-Qur`an exegesis is still interesting to examine. It is indicated that different perspectives can affect the realization of understanding the Qur'an. This can be seen, for example, in the debates of al-Shāfi'i and Mālik with Abū Ḥanīfah and Aḥmad in understanding surah al-Māidah verse 89 which explains about the fine for violation of oaths which results different legal products. The use of qirā`at shādhah seems to have also been of concern to the Shi'ah interpreters. Al-Ṭabāṭabā'ī for example in al-Mīzan fi Tafsīr al-Qur'ān stated that permissiveness of mut'ah marriage was mentioned in the QS. al-Nisā 'verse 24 which was corroborated by qirā`at shādhah Ubay bin Ka'ab, Ibn Mas'ūd, and Ibn Abbās. Meanwhile, al-Shawkānī Shi'a scholar taking the Zaidiyyah thought, argued otherwise. Nikah mut'ah is not allowed because the argument is interrogated (mansūkh). This means that qirā`at shādhah is also an important term for the Shi'ah group to be used as a tool for analysis in producing new laws in the products of their interpretation. Therefore, this paper will look at how the existence of qirā`at shādhah in Shia Interpretation work, especially the differences between their scholars regarding it. In addition, the discussion of qirā`at in Shi'ah is still rarely found. As a comparison, this paper will describe the terms nikah mut'ah and imāmah.
 Keywords: Qirā`at Shādhah, Shia interpretation, Nikah Mut'ah, Imāmah.


  • Kajian ini berupaya menelisik penggunaan Qirāat shādhah dalam tafsir Syiah

  • This study tries to investigate the use of Qirāat shādhah in Shia interpretation

  • AlṬabāṭabā'ī for example in al-Mīzan fi Tafsīr al-Qur'ān stated that permissiveness of mut'ah marriage was mentioned in the QS. al-Nisā 'verse 24 which was corroborated by Qirāat shādhah Ubay bin Ka'ab, Ibn Mas'ūd, and Ibn Abbās

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Hal ini dikarenakan bahwa Qirāat merupakan bagian integral dari al-Quran yang tidak terpisahkan. Pendapat ini didasarkan pada Qirāat non kanonik (shādhah) Ubay bin Ka‟ab dan Ibn Mas„ūd. Perbedaan demikian disebabkan oleh perbedaan pandangan tentang Qirāat shādhah terhadap pemahaman ayat al-Quran. Penggunaan Qirāat shādhah juga dilakukan oleh al-Ṭabāṭabā‟ī dalam al-Mīzān fī Tafsīr al-Qurān. Al-Nisā‟ ayat 24.9 Sementara dalam pandangan Sunni, Qirāat ketiga sahabat tersebut adalah shādhah. Ibn Qudāmah menyatakan bahwa, qirā‟at Ubay dan Ibn Mas„ūd itu baik diakui bagian dari al-Quran ataupun tidak, tetap dapat dijadikan sebagai landasan hukum. Penelitian ini menjadi menarik untuk melihat bagaimana eksistensi Qirāat shādhah dalam tafsir-tafsir Syiah, terlebih adanya perbedaan ulama di kalangan Syi‟ah tentang hal tersebut. Dalam artikel ini akan dipaparkan term nikah mut‟ah dan imāmah dengan merujuk pada penafsiran Ṭabāṭabā‟ī, al-Shawkanī, dan al-Ṭusī

Konsep Qirāat Shādhah
Sejarah Munculnya Qirāat Shādhah
Kehujjahan Qirāat Shādhah
Geliat Qirāat Dalam Perspektif Cendekiawan Syiah
Penggunaan QirāatShādhah dalam Tafsir Syiah
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