
High-power, high-efficiency quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) that operate at room temperature and above have been developed by Pranalytica Inc. The team at the US-based company have almost doubled the output power of their state-of-the-art uncooled 4.6 µm lasers to 2 W, achieved a high temperature operation of more than 1 W of output power at 67°C, and have also reported the first uncooled QCLs with watt-level output power at 4.0 µm. “These achievements are the results of a specific effort to optimise thermal management at both chip and packaging levels for uncooled operation,” said Dr Richard Maulini, Senior Scientist at Pranalytica. “We believe this is a very exciting new development because, unlike traditional, thermoelectrically-cooled high-power QCLs systems, which require bulky power supplies and heatsinks, our uncooled QCLs can easily be integrated into portable and even handheld systems.”

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