
Abstract A description is provided for Pythium heterothallicum . Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. DISEASES: Seedling damping-off. HOSTS: Sambucus sp. ( Caprifoliaceae ); Spinacea oleracea ( Chenopodiaceae ); Lens culinaris ( Fabaceae ); Pelargonium cv. ( Geraniaceae ); Triticum aestivum ( Poaceae ); Malus domestica [Malus pumila] ( Rosaceae ). GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: AFRICA: Kenya. NORTH AMERICA: Canada, USA (Idaho, Washington). CENTRAL AMERICA: Costa Rica. AUSTRALASIA: New Zealand. EUROPE: Czech Republic, Germany, Great Britain, Netherlands, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden. TRANSMISSION: Contaminated soil, organic matter (oospores) and water (sporangia).

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