
Due to the current continued use of fossil fuels such as crude oil, natural gas and coal, the current economic growth rate is unstable. Therefore, renewable energy sources are being exploited, but some resources, such as plastic waste, need to be developed into a full-fledged economic activity. Modernization and development have led to a huge increase in the production of all types of plastics, which have their widespread applications and low cost. The landscape of plastic recycling practices is reviewed in this paper. Its aim is to provide an in-depth analysis of the pyrolysis of plastic waste obtained in current recycling technology. Since the calorific value of the plastic is equal to the value of the hydrocarbon fuel, it provides a good opportunity to use the fuel generated waste from the plastic waste and generate the fuel. The technique of fueling plastic waste through the pyrolysis process is discussed. Therefore, efforts have been made to overcome the problem of plastic waste and the shortage of fossil fuels by creating fuel from plastic waste. We look forward to improving the environmental balance as plastic has a negative impact on the environment. Therefore, an attempt has been made to address the issue of plastic waste disposal as a partial alternative in hopes of promoting a sustainable environment for decaying fossil fuels [4].

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