
In some sections of tropical America one of the common forms of acute cutaneous lesions in children is cutaneous myiasis. In the United States, cutaneous myiasis in children occurs usually, according to my experiences, as a secondary infestation in chronic ulcerative cutaneous lesions, especially draining wounds about the edge of a hip spica used as a basis for a plaster cast. Creeping eruption, a serpiginous tunneling of the skin, caused in some instances by fly larvae, has been observed mainly in adults but may be found also in children in Florida and Texas. I observed primary pyodermic myiasis in Costa Rica. This cutaneous myiasis is called tOrsalo in Costa Rica, nuche in Colombia, berne in Brazil and gusano de monte in Venezuela. The disease in Costa Rica has been studied extensively by Pena Chavarria 1 and his associates. The fly concerned in this form of myiasis in Costa

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