
Nontrivial critical models in 2D with a central charge c=0 are described by logarithmic conformal field theories (LCFTs), and exhibit, in particular, mixing of the stress-energy tensor with a "logarithmic" partner under a conformal transformation. This mixing is quantified by a parameter (usually denoted b), introduced in Gurarie [Nucl. Phys. B546, 765 (1999)]. The value of b has been determined over the last few years for the boundary versions of these models: b(perco)=-5/8 for percolation and b(poly)=5/6 for dilute polymers. Meanwhile, the existence and value of b for the bulk theory has remained an open problem. Using lattice regularization techniques we provide here an "experimental study" of this question. We show that, while the chiral stress tensor has indeed a single logarithmic partner in the chiral sector of the theory, the value of b is not the expected one; instead, b=-5 for both theories. We suggest a theoretical explanation of this result using operator product expansions and Coulomb gas arguments, and discuss the physical consequences on correlation functions. Our results imply that the relation between bulk LCFTs of physical interest and their boundary counterparts is considerably more involved than in the nonlogarithmic case.

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