ABSTRACT Multispectral radiometry resolutely quantifies canopy attributes of similarly managed monocultures over wide and varied temporal arrays. Likewise, liquid phthalocyanine-containing products are commonly applied to turfgrass as a spray pattern indicator, dormancy colourant, and/or product synergist. While perturbed multispectral radiometric characterization of putting greens within 24 h of treatment by synthetic phthalocyanine colourant has been reported, explicit guidance on subsequent use is absent from the literature. Our objective was to assess creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L. ‘Penn G2’) putting green reflectance and growth one to 14 d following semi-monthly treatment by synthetic Cu II phthalocyanine colourant (Col) and petroleum-derived spray oil (PDSO) combination product at a 27 L ha−1 rate and/or 7.32 kg ha−1 soluble N treatment by one of two commercial liquid fertilizers. As observed in a bentgrass fairway companion study, mean daily shoot growth and canopy dark green colour index (DGCI) increased with Col+PDSO complimented N treatment. Yet contrary to the fairway study results, deflated mean normalized differential red edge (NDRE) or vegetative index (NDVI) resulted from an associated Col+PDSO artefact that severely impeded near infrared (810-nm) putting green canopy reflectance. Regardless of time from Col+PDSO combination product treatment, the authors strongly discourage turfgrass scientists from employing vegetative indices that rely on 760- or 810-nm canopy reflectance when evaluating such putting green systems.
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