
Red to red-orange spheres in the vascular canals of fossil bone thin sections have been repeatedly reported using light microscopy. Some of these have been interpreted as the fossilized remains of blood cells or, alternatively, pyrite framboids. Here, we assess claims of blood cell preservation within bones of the therizinosauroid theropod Beipiaosaurus inexpectus from the Jehol Lagerstätte. Using Raman spectroscopy, Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry, and Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy, we found evidence of high taphonomic alteration of the bone. We also found that the vascular canals in the bone, once purported to contain fossil red blood cell, are filled with a mix of clay minerals and carbonaceous compounds. The spheres could not be analyzed in isolation, but we did not find any evidence of pyrite or heme compounds in the vessels, surrounding bone, or matrix. However, we did observe similar spheres under light microscopy in petrified wood found in proximity to the dinosaur. Consequently, we conclude that the red spheres are most likely diagenetic structures replicated by the clay minerals present throughout the vascular canals.

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