
Applications of nematophagous fungi in crop fields for the management of plant pests and parasitic nematodes are cost-effective, increase the yield of agricultural products, minimize the usage of agrochemicals, and prevent the environment from the pesticide pollution. In the present day perspective with the increasing cost of synthetic agrochemicals along with increasing incidences of pesticide toxicity, the application of microbial biocontrol agents (BCAs) holds great promise for the crop protection/crop production. Basically, biological control is an eco-friendly pest management strategy that is not harmful to the health of humans and animals. Purpureocillium lilacinum is one of the most promising and practicable bionematicide recommended for plant protection against plant diseases in organic agriculture. In recent 62decades, many BCAs have been used in the crop protection. However, P. lilacinum has been recognized for a long time as standard commercial bionematicide for the control of plant-parasitic nematodes infecting economically important crops. This chapter summarizes the importance of P. lilacinum as natural antagonists of various nematode parasites and the known mechanisms of action responsible for the nematicidal activity. Mass production of P. lilacinum using agro-processing residues under solid-state fermentation is also discussed.

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