
Immunoglobulins of complex formats possess great potential for increased biopharmaceutical efficacy. However, challenges arise during their purification as the removal of numerous product-related impurities typically requires several expensive chromatographic steps. Additionally, many complex antibody formats have a high hydrophobicity which impairs the use of conventional mixed mode chromatography. In the present study, both of these challenges were addressed through the development of an innovative mixed mode resin with 2-amino-4methylpentanoic acid ligands that combines weak cation exchange with moderate hydrophobic interactions. Supported by high throughput partition coefficient screens for identification of preferable pH and salt concentration ranges in bind and elute mode, this mixed mode resin successfully demonstrated efficient impurity separation from an extremely hydrophobic bispecific antibody with a single unit operation. High purity (>97%) was obtained as a result of significant reduction of product-related impurities as well as process-related host cell proteins (>3 log scale), while maintaining satisfactory recovery (70%). This also supports that highly hydrophobic antibody formats can be efficiently purified using a resin with moderate hydrophobic characteristics. Studies involving additional antibodies possessing different formats and a wide range of hydrophobicity confirmed the broad applicability of the new resin. In view of its high selectivity and robust operating ranges, as well as the elimination of the need for an additional column step, the novel resin enables simplified downstream processing and economic manufacturing of complex antibody formats.

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