
Urease was purified 112-fold to homogeneity from the microaerophilic human gastric bacterium, Helicobacter pylori. The urease isolation procedure included a water extraction step, size exclusion chromatography, and anion exchange chromatography. The purified enzyme exhibited a Km of 0.3 +/- 0.1 mM and a Vmax of 1,100 +/- 200 mumols of urea hydrolyzed/min/mg of protein at 22 degrees C in 31 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0. The isoelectric point was 5.99 +/- 0.03. Molecular mass estimated for the native enzyme was 380,000 +/- 30,000 daltons, whereas subunit values of 62,000 +/- 2,000 and 30,000 +/- 1,000 were determined. The partial amino-terminal sequence (17 residues) of the large subunit of H. pylori urease (Mr = 62,000) was 76% homologous with an internal sequence of the homohexameric jack bean urease subunit (Mr = 90,770; Takashima, K., Suga, T., and Mamiya, G. (1988) Eur. J. Biochem. 175, 151-165) and was 65% homologous with amino-terminal sequences of the large subunits of heteropolymeric ureases from Proteus mirabilis (Mr = 73,000) and from Klebsiella aerogenes (Mr = 72,000; Mobley, H. L. T., and Hausinger, R. P. (1989) Microbiol. Rev. 53, 85-108). The amino-terminal sequence (20 residues) of the small subunit of H. pylori urease (Mr = 30,000) was 65 and 60% homologous with the amino-terminal sequences of the subunit of jack bean urease and with the Mr = 11,000 subunit of P. mirabilis urease (Jones, B. D., and Mobley, H. L. T. (1989) J. Bacteriol. 171, 6414-6422), respectively. Thus, the urease of H. pylori shows similarities to ureases found in plants and other bacteria. When used as antigens in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, neither purified urease nor an Mr = 54,000 protein that co-purified with urease by size exclusion chromatography was as effective as crude preparations of H. pylori proteins at distinguishing sera from persons known either to be infected with H. pylori or not.

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