
A pulsed electron beam (mean electron energy ≃ 20 keV, t p ≃ 10 –7 s) was employed to alloy Au-Ge/Pt contacts to n-type GaAs. Within a narrow electron beam energy density window (0.3–0.5 J/cm 2 ), the irradiated contacts exhibited good ohmic behavior with specific contact resistance (r c ) as low as 4 × 10 –7 Ω- cm 2 . The contacts possessed good surface morphology and depth profiles of the constituent elements, as measured by Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), indicated little intermixing of the metals with GaAs after alloying. The results were compared with thermally alloyed contacts on similar samples. Ohmic contacts alloyed at 440°C for 2 min. in flowing H 2 showed considerable intermixing of the constituent metals with GaAs, and possessed a higher measured value for r c , 1.3 × 10 –5 Ω- cm 2 . The low r c of the electron beam alloyed contacts was attributed to little mixing of Ga and As with the metal layers during the short-time alloying process.

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