
Ultra-Wideband communication faces constraints on radiated power from regulatory bodies to minimize the co-existing interference with the narrowband communication. These limitations cause sacrifices in terms of data rate. In this paper, a new methodology of pulse shaping is proposed to meet the spectrum mask given by Federal Communication Commission (FCC). This methodology acutely reduces the undesired ringing effect in the time domain which in turn reduces the required power per unit bandwidth of the signal. We select 7th order derivative of Gaussian monocycle as a base pulse and modulate this pulse with Gaussian window in the time domain to achieve the proposed pulse shape. The power spectral density (PSD) of the proposed pulse is perfectly fitted for spectral mask provided by FCC, in comparison of PSD of the base pulse, which in turn simultaneously provides better antenna power resolution due to the reduced ringing effect in the time domain for the proposed pulse. We also analyse the behaviour of the pulse in multi-user Time Hopped (TH) UWB environment for Saleh Valenzuela IEEE 802.15.3a multipath fading channel to find the suitability of the pulse for UWB communication.

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