
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. COPD is frequently associated with comorbidities, the most common complication being pulmonary hypertension and subsequent right heart failure. The prevalence of pulmonary hypertension and the pathophysiological processes of its installation in patients with COPD remain insufficiently studied, although it is known that its share increases with the severity of COPD, and its rate has been reported ranging from 20% to 90%. in the article, the author summarizes the notorious international discoveries and local contributions in this field, elucidating the opportunities, challenges and perspectives of studying the problem. Multiple investigations conducted in the last three decades by local researchers have deepened the knowledge of the pathophysiology, clinic, diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of pulmonary hemodynamic and cardiac function disorders in patients with COPD. Further investigations in this area are needed.


  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is frequently associated with comorbidities, the most common complication being pulmonary hypertension and subsequent right heart failure

  • The prevalence of pulmonary hypertension and the pathophysiological processes of its installation in patients with COPD remain insufficiently studied, it is known that its share increases with the severity of COPD, and its rate has been reported ranging from 20% to 90%. in the article, the author summarizes the notorious international discoveries and local contributions in this field, elucidating the opportunities, challenges and perspectives of studying the problem

  • Multiple investigations conducted in the last three decades by local researchers have deepened the knowledge of the pathophysiology, clinic, diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of pulmonary hemodynamic and cardiac function disorders in patients with COPD

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Multiplele investigații efectuate în ultimele trei decenii de cercetătorii autohtoni au permis aprofundarea cunoștințelor fiziopatologiei, clinicii, diagnosticului, tratamentului și profilaxiei dereglărilor hemodinamicii pulmonare și funcției cardiace la pacienții cu BPOC. Cateterismul cardiac drept este metoda cea mai precisă pentru diagnosticul dereglărilor hemodinamicii pulmonare (măsurarea precisă a presiunilor vasculare pulmonare și determinarea rezistenței vasculare pulmonare), precum și estimarea funcției cordului. Primul și unicul cercetător autohton, care a studiat hemodinamica pulmonară în BPOC prin metoda cateterismului cardiac este profesorul Sergiu Matcovschi.

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